Hello boys and girls guess who is back!
I'm sure that you all got a bit fed up with my FPS series of games, so today I am taking on different type of game. Today I am talking about one of the most popular RTS/RPG games these days and it's League of Legends! This newer date released game is quickly becoming one of the most played game. It was released in October, 2009. Game community raised over 15 million members, which is absolutely amazing in such a short time. But enough figures, let go through game itself:

League of Legends is really nice game if you wanna learn to play this type of game. It has very nice graphic, it's easy to learn, all you need is a bit of your brain to play it well and skill ofcourse. In this type of game, you are able to choose one hero that you will play that game and you can choose different hero every game. That is a magic of RTP/RPG games. To start playing, first you must create an account on one of the regions either on EU West (Spain, England, France, etc.), EU Nordic and East (Russia, Croatia, Ukraine, Poland, etc) or North America. You can add your friends, you can play premades (arranged teams that you make before entering in game), but they all needs to be in your region. In this game there is a lot heroes avaliable, currently 91 hero, but the number is rapidly growing! On your account, also known as summoner profile, you will be able to level up from lvl 1 to lvl 30, and with each level you will get new stuff going on for your account. With every game, win or lose, you will get IP (influence points - you are using them as some sort of money, to buy new heroes and other ingame stuff) and XP (experience points- until level 30). Also you can use real money to get RP (Riot points, to buy ingame stuff's you are buying with your IP and also some premium stuffs like skins for your heroes, etc.)
I can't talk a lot about gameplay itself, you must try it if you wanna get full experience!
But this high amount of players inside of community have some bad sides. In this game there is a lot of newbs (which is prety normal for anygame), but sadly there is a lot of players with 800+ wins that has 0 brain while playing and 0 skill. Now that is a lot bigger problem. And what is even worse, they won't even bother to learn. But lets leave bad sides, this game is awsome. I recommend it for anyone who is willing to try new things every game and learning new skills with every champion you can play.
So to conclude, this game is one of the most played RTS/RPG today, if not the most played one, so definetly if you got time and will to play it, go do it, you won't regret. For aditional information go to:
-one of the things you get by leveling, each level you get one skill point to put it in your mastery tree, that has some benefits for champion you are playing with.
-For each champion there is different build in mastery tree, so adjust it to your champion of choice.
-intense battle between two team :)
-whole bunch of items, ready to be used on your champion.
-each champion can carry only 6 items per game, so choose wisely and win.
-Champions can be AD (attack damage), AP(ability power) or hybrids(mix of AP and AD skills)
-In one game you can be maximum level 18 and each champion has 4 skills that you are leveling along with your champion levels. You have 4 spells your first three spells can be used more often and they are less powerfull. You can level them to maximum rank 5. Your 4th spell is your "ultimate" ability, you can use it less often, but it's much more stronger than your first three spells. You can level it only to rank 3, on levels 6, 11 and 16.
-REMEMBER: choose your items wisely, cause your item build decide if you will win or lose.
I hope you will try it and like it. See you all tomorrow,